Mi no tin Palabra • No Words Available Exhibition by Alydia Wever

Alydia Wever (n. 1974, Aruba) ta un artista multidisciplinario bibando y trahando actualmente na Amsterdam, Hulanda. Wever tin un trayectoria artistico di mas di un decada, cu ta enfoca ariba e curpa como e vehiculo di expresion y ta cuestiona nos comprendemento di tema nan manera, herencia cultural, social, antropológico, comunidad y identidad.

Den e exhibicion Mi no tin Palabra/No Words Available, Wever ta haci uso di su experiencia nan personal pa invita e audiencia pa bai mas leu y cuestiona nan mesun comprondemento di e cosnan cu nos ta duna e balor di e ‘hogar’. E palabra ‘hogar’ no ta referi solamente na e espacio, lugar y e refugio cu ta proteha y cuida nos. E ta referi tambe na e persona nan, custumber nan, tradishon nan, motivashon nan y creencianan cu ta duna forma na e necesidad humano aki. E obra Wantami Duro (2021) ta un homenahe monumento nan, na Wever su cas na Ayo, su ancestro nan, e hendenan cu ta apoy’e y e recuerdonan cu a impacta su practica artistico. Den e obra Obligacion (2021), Wever ta pone nos reflexiona riba e sacrificionan social, cultural y ecologico causa door di nos dependencia financiero riba turismo. Su Mahestad, Placa (2021) y E Duele (2021) ta obranan cu ta promove e dialogo tocante nos compromiso cu nos comunidad nan y nos actitud dilanti problema nan social manera abuso, machismo, y inestabilidad financiero.


Mi no tin Palabra ta fruto di Wever su investigacion artistico a ser realisa cu e sosten di Mondriaan Fonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuur Fonds Caribisch Gebied, Stichting Rancho, SETAR N.V, PRINTSHOP. E investigacion aki ta un auto-refleccion cu ta explora e artista su raisnan cultural, con nos ta defini nos mes y nos comunidad nan, y con nos creencianan ta determina nos conducta.


Texto door di Ana Maria Hernandez, historiador di arte y curador independiente

Alydia Wever (b. 1974, Aruba) is a multidisciplinary artist currently living and working in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Wever’s oeuvre, which spans over a decade, focuses on the body as a vessel for

expression, on questions around our understanding of cultural heritage, social, anthropological,

community, and identity.

Using Wever’s deeply personal experiences, Mi no tin Palabra/No Words Available is an invitation to go deeper and question how we value our ‘homes’. A home is not, only a space, place, or a shelter that nurtures and protects us. Homes are also found in the people, manners, traditions, motivations, and beliefs that shape this human necessity. Her installation Hold Me Tight (2021) is a tribute to Wever’s family home at Ayo, her ancestors, the people that are her support system, and the memories that have impacted her artistic practice. Obligation (2021) is a reflection of the social, cultural, and ecological sacrifices that are the result of our financial dependency on tourism. Her Majesty Money (2021) and Mourning (2021) encourage dialogue around the moral commitments we have with each other as a community and how we deal with social issues such as abuse, macho culture, and financial instability.


Mi no tin Palabra/No Words Available is a result of Wever’s artistic research funded by Mondriaan Fund, Prins Bernhard Cultuur Fonds Caribisch Gebied, Stichting Rancho, SETAR N.V, PRINTSHOP. This research is a self-reflective exercise exploring the artist’s cultural roots, how we define ourselves, and our communities, and how our beliefs determine our behaviors.


Text by Ana Maria Hernandez, Art Historian and Independent Curator